Saturday, August 16, 2008

Our week on The Canal du Midi

Notice our Australian flag??

Our week with Minervois Cruisers on the Canal du Midi is over, and without doubt, it was a week none of us will forget; a week full of challenges, lessons learned and wonderful places explored.

This afternoon Jan and Nossie headed off to their historic Dordogne Gite happy as Larry after being upgraded to a Volkswagon diesel powered car, and we are back in Balma and flat out washing and ironing (or at least Shirl is!). Here are a few quick pics ( although some may be repeated in the body of the blog); our next report should be available in 24 hours....

One of our first locks (left) and enjoying canal-edge life in the early evening at Homps (above)

Dinner on the top deck (below) - hard to take..!!


Sherrill said...

Hi Shirl and Rus
Say hello to Nossie and Jan from me - wish I was there!

Frances said...

Hi Shirl & Russ

Looks great. We envy you the sunshine, it's done nothing but rain since you left. Will write soon.