Due to arrive in Toulouse after a short night of sleep in Paris, they found the Fast Train stopped less than an hour out of the capital. And it stopped. And it stopped. Finally Nossie found out, through the help of a friendly English-speaking man, that someone had died or had been killed on the train line and there would need to be investigations. Luckily Jan had international roaming on her mobile and let us know not to go to the station until further notice.
Not a very auspicious beginning to their continental trip.
Three hours late, we picked them up, waving our Australian flag to attract attention (which garnered many broad smiles) and we talked nineteen to the dozen all the way to Balma And all evening. And all night!! Luckily dinner was prepared in advance or we wouldn't have had anything to eat!
Today saw them pouring over maps of the area, testing out the GPS system that Lindsay gave them to go in the Nissan, inspecting each and every aisle of the huge Auchan supermarché (for hours and hours, I might add ....), buying duck, paté, brie, wine and cognac - just the staples really - although I think there was some fruit in that mix too!!
Now we are awaiting a Nossie dinner as Jan makes the salad. Some hosts we turned out to be!!

Tomorrow we leave them to revel in this lap if luxury as we wend our way across the Channel to the UK to see Frances and Bob. Another adventure awaits us ... and them too!!
Lots of love to you all...as you know.
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